Кроссфіт програма - послідовність Кроссфіт комплексів (WOD) складена в особливому порядку з урахуванням поставлених цілей, правил і здорового глузду.
The training program and plan are developed individually according to the crossfit athlete’s goal. Each crossfit workout is unique and depends on your abilities and needs. WODCAT website offers the training plans for the following purposes:
Fat Loss – crossfit training programs for weight loss. The important feature of these workout programs is the increase in the number of cardio loads and the implementation of tasks with a large number of repetitions. Fat burning (weight loss) training usually takes a longer time than other workouts, and its duration starts from 40 minutes and longer.
Muscle – training programs for muscle mass increase. The training performs exercises with weight above average, a small number of repetitions and short duration.
Strength – power-building training programs. Strength training programs are designed for strength building only, while other criteria such as endurance and versatility are not required.
Performance – special and preparatory crossfit training plans, which help to develop certain qualities, required in a particular sports – for MMA fighters, Boxers, Soccer Players, Racers.
The program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We’ve used our same routines for elderly individuals with heart disease and cage fighters one month out from televised bouts. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs.