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A Home Gym You’ll Actually Use

Learn from my mistakes & the times I got it right

My Home Gym

Gear Shopping List for a Garage Gym

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Functional fitness (using functional movements) is among the most widely spread buzzwords in the gym industry today, but for logical reason. Functional fitness focuses on body training and preparing your body to handle real life scenarios.

Functional Movement: Making the muscles work together

Body balance & control

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This article provides a few key tips on how to perform the deadlift more efficiently and safely. Some helpful coaching cues—such as keeping the head slightly up, activating the lats, and pushing the knees out—can assist a tactical athlete in executing the deadlift while increasing strength over time.

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What role does insulin resistance in skeletal muscle play in the development of fatty liver disease, obesity, and other elements of the metabolic syndrome?

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How do U.S. Marines stack up when it comes to conquering the Navy SEALs fitness test?

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The posterior aspect of the hip includes the extensors, which are large and powerful superficial muscles. It also includes a smaller, deep set of muscles that rotate the femur and maintain the proximity of the femoral head and acetabulum.

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Ask one of your friends who does CrossFit and it will take hours listening to slang and contractions about the perfectly executed WOD, how difficult it is to perform Elizabeth, and how hard it is to reduce the time of performing Fran. After all, the first rule of CrossFit is to always talk about CrossFit.

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5 поширених травм на тренуваннях і способи їх уникнення


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Багато з нас за своє життя прибували в різній фізичній формі і мали різний самопочуття. Бувало ми приводили себе в форму і були «на піку», а бувало все кидали з обіцянкою собі як-небудь потім повернутися і все надолужити. Зараз ось тільки справи розгрібаючи ... А є й такі, хто в хорошій формі ніколи і не були.

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Crossfit Glossary - A list of frequently used terms and abbreviations in the Crossfit community with full descriptions, examples, and links. Now you always quickly decipher strange "entries" on the whiteboard with the task of workout for day (WOD). At the moment, decoding from WODCAT is one of the most complete and relevant

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Beginners, who experienced Crossfit for the first time, are often confused by the complicated structure of the Crossfit workout. Crossfit features a wide range of workouts, and this diversity means not only a large number of exercises, but there is also particular sequence of their performance. In this article we will try to describe the main options for Crossfit workout structures in detail.

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Master of Sports Yuri Orlov, talks about the discipline “Guards Kettlebell Snatch”, which is gaining popularity, is a Kettlebell Snatch with an arbitrary change of hands. It also gives advice and gives an example of a training program for competitions, which is suitable for both beginners and amateurs, as well as professional athletes (Kettlebell lifters) who plan to perform at competitions.

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