Crossfit Glossary - A list of frequently used terms and abbreviations in the Crossfit community with full descriptions, examples, and links. Now you always quickly decipher strange "entries" on the whiteboard with the task of workout for day (WOD). At the moment, decoding from WODCAT is one of the most complete and relevant

0-9 21-15-9: Repetition scheme in CrossFit. Needs to perform 21 reps, then 15 reps and finally, 9 reps, for a total of 45 reps of each exercise. A AMRAP: As Many Reps (sometimes Rounds) as Possible ATG: Ass to Grass getting your butt as low as possible (to grass) when performing any kind of squat. B BBJS: Burpee Box JumpS - burpee, then jump onto the box and down. BJ: Box Jumps. BJOS: Box Jumps Overs - jump on top of the box, and come down on the other side. Full extension at the top is not required. BMU: Bar Muscle-Up. Box: (Crossfit): CrossFit gym. BP: Bench press. BS: Back squat. BW sometimes BWT: Body weight. C C2: Concept II rowing machine. C2B: Chest To Bar pull-up. C&J: Clean and jerk. CFT: CrossFit Total- consisting of max squat, press, and deadlift. CFWU: CrossFit Warm-up. Chipper: A workout format there are no rounds and must be completed in linear fashion from start to finish. Couplet: workout structure that pairs two different modalities. CLN: Clean. D DL: Deadlift. DU: Double Unders swinging the ropes two times for every jump. E EMOM: Every Min Of the Min. F FS: Front squat. FS2OH: Shoulder to overhead. G GHD: GHR(D): Glute ham raise (developer). Posterior chain exercise, like a back extension. Also, the device that allows for the proper performance of a GHR. GHR(D) Situp: Situp done on the GHR(D) bench. GIRLS: special group of CrossFit benchmark workouts. GPP: General physical preparedness, aka "fitness." GTG: Grease the Groove, a protocol of doing many sub-maximal sets of an exercise throughtout the day H H2H: Hand to hand; refers to Jeff Martone's kettlebell "juggling" techniques (or to combat). HEROES: special group of CrossFit benchmark workouts. HSPU: Hand stand push up. Kick up into a handstand (use wall for balance, if needed) bend arms until nose touches floor and push back up. HSQ: Hang squat (clean or snatch). Start with bar "at the hang," about knee height. Initiate pull. As the bar rises drop into a full squat and catch the bar in the racked position. From there, rise to a standing position I IF: Intermittent Fasting. K KB: Kettlebell. KTE: Knees to elbows. Similar to TTBs described below. M MEBB: Maximum Effort Black box, term coined by Mike Rutherford. Search the forum for it. Originally laid out in one of the early Performance Menu issues. MetCon: Metabolic Conditioning workout. MP: Military press. MU: Muscle ups. Hanging from rings you do a combination pull-up and dip so you end in an upright support. O OHS: Overhead squat. Full-depth squat performed while arms are locked out in a wide grip press position above (and usually behind) the head. P PC: Power clean. Pd: Pood, weight measure for kettlebells. PJ: Push Jerc . PR: Personal record. PP: Push press. PSN: Power snatch. PU: Pull-ups, possibly push ups depending on the context. Pukie: Athlete who has vomited after a workout. R RFT sometimes For Time: Rounds for Time. Rep: Repetition. One performance of an exercise. RM: Repetition maximum. Your 1RM is your max lift for one rep. Your 10 RM is the most you can lift 10 times. Rx'd; as Rx'd: As prescribed; as written. WOD done without any adjustments. S Scaled: -- SDHP: Sumo deadlift high pull. Set: A number of repetitions. e.g., 3 sets of 10 reps, often seen as 3x10, means do 10 reps, rest, repeat, rest, repeat. SN: Snatch. SPP: Specific physical preparednesss, aka skill training. SQ: Squat. STOH: Shoulder To OverHead Subbed: Substituted. The CORRECT use of "subbed," as in "substituted," is, "I subbed an exercise I can do for one I can't," For example,if you can't do HSPU, you subbed regular pushups. Sadly, many illiterate posters get this bass-ackward, and claim that since they can't do HSPU, they subbed HSPU for pushups. D'oh! T TGU: Turkish get-up -- Турецкий подъем. Triplet: workout structure that pairs all 3 different modalities WGM – Тип ВОД который содержит 3 разных модальности (т.е все) WGM TTB sometimes T2B: Toes to bar. Hang from bar. Bending only at waist raise your toes to touch the bar, slowly lower them and repeat. U Uncle Rhabdo: W WB: WallBall. WO sometimes W/O: Workout. WOD: Workout of the day. Y YBF: You'll Be Fine (liberally applied in spray form).