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7.5 / 10
5 раундов на время:
Время 12m:39s

Пояснение к тренировке

Post time to comments. If the row takes longer than 45 seconds, or if you trip up on your double-unders, redo that segment before moving back to the other exercise. Scaling If you’re unfamiliar with row pacing or a sub-0:45 time is unrealistic, row 250 meters at max effort in the warm-up, then add a few seconds to that to create your target time for the workout. This workout forces you to row at a near-maximum effort or it won’t count and you’ll have to repeat the work. Athletes who struggle with double-unders might want to switch to unbroken single-unders or reduce the number of double-unders each round. Intermediate Option 5 rounds for time of: 1 sub-0:48 250-m row 100 unbroken single-unders If the row takes longer than 48 seconds, or if you trip up on your single-unders, redo that segment before moving back to the other exercise. Beginner Option 3 rounds for time of: 1 sub-0:55 250-m row 100 single-unders If the row takes longer than 55 seconds, redo it before moving back to the other exercise.