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Vogue Fitness

Об'єднані-Арабські-ЕміратиAbu Dhabi 


Abu Dhabi's Premier Fitness Facility. Group Classes, CrossFit, Functional Gym, Yas Ladies and Yas Kids, Personal Training located at the iconic Yas Marina.


Об'єднані-Арабські-Емірати, Abu Dhabi 

Yas Marina

Опис клубу:

Located in the iconic Yas Marina, Vogue Fitness & CrossFit Yas offers Abu Dhabi a truly unique fitness experience. In 2015, CrossFit Yas was ranked the number 1 team in the whole Middle East and Africa. Based on the concept of a Fitness Community, we offer Group Classes, the Capital's leading CrossFit Program, a functional Gym and the surrounds and amenities of the Marina. With leading coaches from the best in England, Australia, USA, New Zealand and Germany, we focus on achieving actual fitness results. We are at the forefront of fitness in the UAE. Evolve your understanding of fitness with us and join a positive community that will help you achieve your fitness goals.

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