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CrossFit Triton



Triton Athletics is an official CrossFit affiliate open seven days a week, with over 7,000 square feet of total space. We have a lot of room, and a lot of equipment: over 4150 pounds of bumper plates, 44 ft Rogue Infinity Rig with 50 pull up stations, 50 pairs of rubber hex dumbbells, 2500 lbs of iron kettle bells, 30 Dynamax medicine balls, 40 plyo boxes, 15 Concept-2 rowers, Olympic lifting platforms, 20 mens bars, 10 womens bars and 10 aluminum bars, numerous flat benches, 6 GHDs (Glute / Hamstring Developers), sandbags, 4 climbing ropes, Cargo net, wooden and plastic gymnastic rings, jump ...


Сполучені-Штати, Wallingford 

20 Capital Drive

Опис клубу:

Triton Athletics is an official CrossFit affiliate open seven days a week, with over 7,000 square feet of total space. We have a lot of room, and a lot of equipment: over 4150 pounds of bumper plates, 44 ft Rogue Infinity Rig with 50 pull up stations, 50 pairs of rubber hex dumbbells, 2500 lbs of iron kettle bells, 30 Dynamax medicine balls, 40 plyo boxes, 15 Concept-2 rowers, Olympic lifting platforms, 20 mens bars, 10 womens bars and 10 aluminum bars, numerous flat benches, 6 GHDs (Glute / Hamstring Developers), sandbags, 4 climbing ropes, Cargo net, wooden and plastic gymnastic rings, jump ropes, giant tires, Battling Rope, 4 yokes, Atlas stones, Farmers handles, push sleds, plus 1100 sq ft of athletic turf. If we don’t have it, you don’t need it! In addition to all of this equipment, we have separate ladies and mens locker rooms, each with two showers and two bathrooms. Our lounge area is a great place to hang out and watch fellow CrossFitters train, or to kick back after your WOD and recover: there is a television, couches and is WiFi ready.

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