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CrossFit Fianna



We are located in the heart of Dublin between Sandymount and Ballsbridge, half an hour walk from Grafton Street or five minutes walk from Landsdowne road DART station. The box has barbells, bumper plates, pull up bars, squat racks, kettle bells, dumbbells, gymnastics rings as well as the latest Concept 2 rowing machines. We have everything you need to get fit for life!


Ирландия, Dublin 

Newbridge Mews Newbridge Avenue Dublin 4 Ballsbridge

Общее описание клуба:

At the end of the day people if people are only coming to the gym because they feel they have to to stay healthy then chances are they'll stop going before long. This can be witnessed every January as people buy globo gym memberships they only end up using once. In order for people to keep training and keep fit they have to enjoy it. Furthermore, our job as a coach is not simply to help our athletes move better and get fitter. Perhaps even more importantly it is our job to be a friend and a role model to our members. At Fianna we make sure to support each other through tough workouts and tough moments in life. We workout together and go out together. When you become a member here you are not just joining a gym, you are joining a community and our hope is that we can help you both inside and outside of the gym.

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