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CrossFit Athletics

Affiliate Crossfit


At CrossFit Athletics our goal is to provide a welcoming yet challenging environment for people to begin or continue their fitness journey. We believe that a key to this is building a healthy, strong, educated and supportive community that strives to find a higher level of achievement. Our community of athletes work hard to reach their goals in a gym that is free of negativity and judgment. No matter your fitness level, we only ask that you come with a willingness to be coached and work hard.


Сполучені-Штати, Pittsburg 

2121 Mary St

Опис клубу:

At CrossFit Athletics our goal is to provide a welcoming yet challenging environment for people to begin or continue their fitness journey. We believe that a key to this is building a healthy, strong, educated and supportive community that strives to find a higher level of achievement. Our community of athletes work hard to reach their goals in a gym that is free of negativity and judgment. No matter your fitness level, we only ask that you come with a willingness to be coached and work hard.

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