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CrossFit 309

Affiliate Crossfit


Veteran owned and operated. CrossFit 309 is a family. We're inclusive of all fitness levels and love to see people succeed.


Сполучені-Штати, Peoria 

5629 N Galena Rd

Опис клубу:

We use constantly varied, functional movements in a high intensity way that delivers dramatic fitness results for athletes of all levels of skill and experience: Constantly Varied: You will rarely do the same workout twice at CrossFit 309. By doing something different every time you work out you keep the body guessing and eliminate plateaus and boredom common in traditional programs. Certain “benchmark” workouts, however, are repeated every 2-3 months to measure performance increases. Functional movements: Our goal is to prepare our athletes for life’s obstacles. We do that by using training that mimics life – running, jumping, throwing, squatting, pulling, pushing. High intensity: Performing vigorous exercise in a high intensity way is the most effective way to elicit positive changes in performance and body composition. We do this by timing most of our workouts and completing them as fast as safely possible.

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