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Випади з обтяженням

Складність: Середній складності

Випади - це базова вправа для тренування ніг. Може виконуватися як без додаткового обтяження, так і з ним. Найчастіше в якості додаткової ваги використовують гантелі, гирі або штангу.

Barbell plate



How to do Weighted Lunges with dumbbells:


- Choose dumbbells of a weight that will enable you to complete the exercise sets you have chosen. Trial and error will be required to settle on a suitable weight. Start with a light weight.

- Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand. Hang arms at the your sides. Palms should face in toward the thighs (hammer grip). Feet should be a little less than shoulder width apart.

- Take a big step forward (with either leg) while bending at the knee until the front thigh is approaching parallel to the ground and the rear leg is bent at the knee and balanced on the toes. Don't let the forward knee go past the tip of the toes as this puts significant strain on the knee.

- Step back to your starting position, and repeat the motion with the other leg, alternating legs until the exercise program set is complete.