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Вистрибування зірочкою

Складність: Просте

Вистрибування зірочкою - проста вправа яка допомагає розвинути вибухову силу ніг і так само добре потренувати кардіореспіраторну систему, в домашніх умовах, не маючи при цьому спеціального обладнання. Завдяки своїй простоті і доступності вправа відмінно підійде атлетам всіх рівнів від початківців і до професіоналів.


Athletes interested in strengthening their muscles and increasing their vertical jumps can benefit from the star jump exercise. The star jump is a form of plyometrics, or a jump exercise, that focuses on stretching and contracting muscles to increase explosive muscular power.


How to do Star Jump:


- Stand with knees slightly bent and feet shoulder-width apart on a flat surface.

- Your arms should be slightly bent at your sides.

- Bend your knees to get into a squat position and jump vertically as high as you can.

- Extend your legs and arms fully out to your sides at the same time in midair to form a star shape with your body. Your arms should point upward at a 45-degree angle away from your head.

- Bring your arms and legs inward near your body as you begin to descend from the jump.

- Land softly on the ground with your knees bent.

- Squat and push off vertically again to perform a second star jump.

- This exercise can be done repeatedly.

- By pulling your limbs inward on the descent, you prepare yourself for successive jumps.