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Ривковий баланс

Складність: Technically Complex

Ривковий баланс - це відмінна вправа для поліпшення результатів в змагальному ривку штанги. Виконуючи ривковий баланс, ви зможете попрацювати над підходом під штангу, це якраз та частина руху, де більшість атлетів втрачає рівновагу і втрачає контроль над снарядом.

Barbell, Barbell plate


How to do Snatch Balance:


- Start standing with the barbell behind your neck with a snatch-width grip and your feet in the pulling position.

- Bend the knees smoothly, maintaining balance and an upright torso, then push with the legs against the floor to create some upward momentum on the bar.

- Pick up your feet and replace them flat on the floor in your squat stance as you push aggressively against the bar to move yourself down into an overhead squat position.

- Lock your elbows and secure the bar in the overhead position in as low of a squat as you can without being rock-bottom—absorb the downward force of the bar by continuing to sit the rest of the way into the squat smoothly.

- Making sure the bar is stable and secure overhead, stand again, keeping the bar overhead.

- The goal is to elevate the barbell as little as possible from its starting point on the shoulders and to move the body down under it as quickly as possible.


Some tips:


- If you maintain the hook grip when you turn the snatch over, use the hook grip in the snatch balance.

- The snatch balance develops strength in the receiving position for the snatch like the overhead squat, but also adds the elements of speed, timing and precision. It will help train proper footwork for the snatch (transitioning from the pulling to receiving stance and reconnecting the feet flat on the floor), and help with confidence getting under heavy snatch weights.