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Підйом по канату з поміччю ніг

Підйом по канату
Складність: Середній складності

Підйоми по канату - це дуже гарна вправа з допомогою якого ви зможете розвинути силу верхнього плечового поясу, а так само відмінну координацію рухів. Стандартна висота канату в Кроссфіті становить 15 футів або 4,572 метра

Climbing rope


How to Rope Climb:


The first climbing method involves wrapping one leg all the way around the rope and then stepping the other foot on top of both rope and foot. “The higher you have your foot and the further away from you, the better,” Encouraging hip and knee flexion as her athlete practices wrapping and clamping. The second method involves placing the outside of the “bottom foot” next to the rope and then wrapping the other foot around the rope to clamp it to the top of the bottom foot. “This way, that rope will eventually run right up the front of your body and make you super balanced,” “You’ve gotta pick your knee up … and then wrap. So you’re in this little ball, then you have somewhere to open from.” When done properly, the rope climb involves a strong contribution from the legs, and those with good technique will often find grip strength challenged before anything else. Legless rope climbs are another story altogether.