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Швунг жимовий (PP)

Жими, Швунг
Складність: Середній складності

Жимовой швунг - одна з базових вправ у важкій атлетиці, яка спрямоване на збільшення результатів в змагальному поштовсі. Жимовой швунг так само користується великою популярністю серед кроссфітерів, так як часто використовується в Кроссфіт тренуваннях ВОДах.

Barbell, Barbell plate


How to do Push Press:


- Secure the bar in the jerk rack position with the feet at approximately hip-width and the toes turned out slightly.

- Keep the weight balanced on the heels while maintaining full foot contact with the floor.

- Bend slightly at the knees only, keeping the trunk vertical and the weight on the heels.

- Transition immediately at the bottom of this dip and drive aggressively with the legs against the floor to accelerate the barbell upward.

- As you finish the extension of the legs, begin pushing against the bar with the arms, keeping the knees straight and immediately dropping back to flat feet.

- Pull the head back out of the way of the bar to clear a direct path, and push the bar into a fully locked overhead position behind the neck as you would in the jerk.

- As the bar leaves the shoulders, spread the elbows to move them under the bar as soon as possible, and bring the head back forward through the arms as the bar passes it.