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Силовий риковий баланс

Жими, Ривок
Складність: Technically Complex

Ривковий баланс - це допоміжна вправа, яке необхідно для розвитку почуття балансу під час прийому штанги з ривка, і утриманні над головою її в положенні повного положення присідання. Додавши силовий ривковий баланс у ваші тренування, ви значно поліпшите результати в змагальному ривку штанги.

Barbell, Barbell plate


How to do Pressing snatch balance:


- Start standing with the barbell behind your neck with a snatch-width grip and your feet in your squat stance.

- Squat down at a controlled speed as you press your arms into the overhead lockout position, timing the elbow lock out to finish as you reach the bottom of the squat.

- Keeping the bar secured tightly overhead, return to standing.


The bar should not move upward at all from its starting position. Notes If you maintain the hook grip when you turn the snatch over, use the hook grip in the pressing snatch balance. Purpose The pressing snatch balance is primarily a teaching drill to introduce the snatch balance and to help athletes develop a sense of position for the snatch. It can also be used as an active stretch.

Variations There are three other variations of the snatch balance that are considered distinct exercises: the drop snatch, the heaving snatch balance and the snatch balance. The most common variation is adding a 2-3 second pause in the bottom position before standing.