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Робляча людина

Складність: Просте

Робляча людина - це вправа яке включає в себе безліч абсолютно різних але в той же час корисних вправ. Такі як: бурпі, взяття гантелі або гирі на груди, трастери, присідання.



How to do Man Maker:


- Position a pair of light-weight dumbbells in front of you, parallel to each other.

- Keeping your back flat, bend forward and squat down, grasping the dumbbells.

- Initiate the movement by kicking one leg back, then the other so that youare in the push-up position, holding onto the dumbbells. - Your weight should be on your toes and hands.

- Do a one-arm row for each side, bringing your elbow up as high as you can.

- Hop your feet forward and rise up by cleaning the weights, bringing them up to shoulder level, palms facing forward as you hop a second time.

- Descend into a squat and explosively rise up, then press the weights overhead to full arm extension.

- Lower the dumbbells back to your shoulders, then bend over as you squat down to return the weights back to the floor in front of you.

- Repeat for reps.