Махи з гирею - дуже гарна вправа яка розвиває силу ніг і спини. Махи гирі одна з найпопулярніших вправ в Кроссфіті і фітнесі в цілому, завдяки простоті виконання ії можна рекомендувати новачкам буквально з перших днів тренувань. Регулярно виконуючи махи гирі ви не тільки зміцните спину і ноги, але так само досягнете хорошого жироспалюючого ефекту, якщо виконувати вправу при високій і середній інтенсивності і з невеликим обтяженням.
How to do Kettlebel Swing: - Stand over the kettlebell with feet hip-width apart, chest up, shoulders back and down. - The ‘bell should be in line with the middle of your feet. - Choose a kettlebell that allows you to swing with perfect technique while still challenging you. - Consider starting and practicing with a ‘bell much lighter than what you’ll eventually use to work out so that you can practice your form. - Squatting down, grip the kettlebell with palms facing you and thumbs wrapped loosely around the handle. - Stand tall, still gripping the 'bell. - Keep your arms long and loose while retracting your shoulders blades and engaging your core. - Soften the knees, shift your bodyweight into your heels and lower your rear end back and down toward the wall behind you. - At this point you should be ready to swing action. - Driving through your heel, explode through the hips to send that weight swinging upward from your quads. - We’re aiming for chest height, with the arms extended. - Achieving this finish position requires you to snap your hips through, contracting your core - As the kettlebell begins to descend, let the weight do the work as you ready your body for the next rep. - Shift your weight back into your heels while hinging at the hips and loading both the hamstrings and glutes. - Receive the weight allowing the kettlebell to ride back between your legs. - As it makes the transition from backward to forward, drive through the heel and hips to keep this party going.