Силовий ривок гантелі значно простіше ніж силовий ривок штанги, так як вага снаряда значно менше, і так само менше ризик отримати травму, проте не варто нехтувати ним в своїх тренуваннях. Вправи з гантелями відмінно розвивають функціональні можливості тіла, і добре тренують м'язи стабілізатори, що корисно для зміцнення тіла в цілому.
How to do dumbbell power snatch: - Using an overhand grip, grab a dumbbell in one hand and stand with the feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. - Descend your hips to the floor until your knees are bent at 90-degrees and the dumbbell is resting on the floor. - Quickly pull the dumbbell toward the ceiling while simultaneously extending your knees and hips and raising your body on the balls of your feet. - Keep the dumbbell close to your body - As the dumbbell reaches its highest point, quickly rotate your elbow under the weight and extend your arm. - The dumbbell will rest over the top of your shoulder with the palm facing away from your body. Some tips: - Keep the dumbbell as close to your body as possible throughout the entire movement. - The movement starts with your hips and glutes. Thrust them forward to help raise the dumbbell above your head. - Avoid swinging the dumbbell away from the body.