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Ривок з вису гантелі у ножиці

Складність: Technically Complex

Ривок з вису гантелі в ножиці - вправа, яке перейшла в Кроссфіт з важкої атлетики. Вона прекрасно розвиває силу атлета, дозволяє тренувати баланс, зміцнити ноги і стегна, а також посилити верхню частину тіла.



How to do Dumbbell Hang Split Snatch:


- Standing with feet shoulder width apart, hinged over at the hips, holding a dumbbell in one hand between legs

- Back is flat with chest over hand

- Extend the hips as quickly as possible, and immediately follow by shrugging the shoulder upward

- Keeping your elbow above your hand, allow the dumbbell to float upward

- After the dumbbell reaches maximum height, drop your body underneath it, "catch" the dumbbell above the head in a split squat position with the opposite foot forward and a fully extended arm

- Return to start position, repeat for prescribed number of repetitions, then switch sides


Some tips:


- Make sure chest is over your hand in the start position

- Do not begin pull with upper body until hips are fully extended

- Keep dumbbell close to your body during the pull

- Do not let knees slide forward during the catch

- The power generated from the movement will cause the feet to leave the ground