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Взяття на груди двох гирь

Взяття штанги на груди
Складність: Technically Complex

«Взяття на груди двох гирь» - це дуже гарна вправа головною метою якої, є розиток силових та координаційних здібностей спортсмена. Дана вправа має велику складність виконання, тому новачкам не рекомендується включати її в свій тренувальний план без консультації у тренера.



The technique of performing the exercise:

Double Kettlebell Clean is an excellent exercise that is aimed at the development of not only the strength but also the coordination of the athlete. This exercise has a high complexity of performing. Therefore, beginners are not recommended to include it in their training plan without coach's help.


Initial position      

- Take a kettlebell in each hand, let them swing between your legs.

- The body is slightly tilted forward, knees slightly bent.

- To get in the starting position, push your butt back and look straight ahead.

- The back is flat, the chest is open and straightened forward.


Performing the exercise:      

- Make a small swing with kettlebells back.

- Using rapid movement, make a pelvic bend, giving inertia to the weights.

- With the help of the received inertia we throw the weights on the chest so that they look in different directions.

- The back remains flat throughout the movement.


The kettlebells do not go upside down during the exercise, but instead, they are positioned around your hand with the uppercut motion.


- Perform with caution with injuries of the lumbar spine.