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Тяга штанги в нахилі

Станова тяга
Складність: Середній складності

Тяга штанги під нахилом - вправа яке необхідна для розвитку м'язів спини. Це одна з кращих вправ для побудови найширших м'язів, для більш якісної техніки виконання вправи, тягу штанги рекомендується виконувати з упором голови в м'яку підставку, щоб виключити поміч ніг та попереку.



The technique of performing the exercise:

Bent Barbell Row is the exercise which work your upper-back, lower back, hips and arms. They build a stronger, muscular back and bigger biceps. For better performance of the exercise it is recommended to  perform with head resting in a soft support to exclude cheating.

 Initial position:  

- Stand in front of the barbell. Medium stance, toes pointing out.

- Bent and Grab the bar. The distance between the arms is slightly wider than the shoulders.

- Hold the bar low in your hands, Lift your chest. Straighten your back.

- Slightly bent in the lower back, tilt the torso forward — slightly above the parallel with a horizontal surface, but less than 30 degrees.

- The legs are slightly bent at the knees, the head looks forward and down.

- Tighten the muscles of the lower back and stay in this position.

- The bar is in front of the legs.

 Performing the exercise:  

- Take a breath, hold it and lift the barbell to your stomach.

- The elbows move strictly back and up and do not move aside. Raise your elbows as high as possible.

- Pull the bar solely at the expense of the muscles of the back and shoulders.

- Do not relax your waist muscles until the end of the set.

- After pulling the barbell to the stomach, make an exhale and smoothly lower.

- Do the following reps the same way.


- There are two types of grip:  еhe grip on top and the grip from below. Different types of grip shift the emphasis on different muscle groups of the back and upper shoulder.