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Викиди с грифом Аксель

Складність: Середній складності

Трастери (Викиди) - це комплексна вправа, яке включає в себе, фронтальні присідання та поштовх штанги в певний момент. Викиди дозволяють розвинути достатню силу, як низу так і верхньої частини тіла. Дана вправа є достатньо енерговитратна тому різко підвищує ефективність ваших тренувань, і так само володіє гарним жироспалюючим ефектом.



The technique of performing Axle Bar Thrusters:

 Thrusters is a complex exercise that includes front squats and a push press a bar at some point. Thrusters allow to develop sufficient strength, both the lower extremities of the body, and the upper ones. This exercise is quite energy-consuming so it acutely increases the effectiveness of your workouts, and also has a fat burning effect.


 Initial position:

- Legs on the width of the shoulders, the position of the bar is similar initial position of front squats

- The waist is slightly bent, the head and elbows are raised.


 Performing the exercise:

- The movement begins with lowering to the position of full squatting

- Then there is an explosive rise with the simultaneous push pressing of the bar into a position above the head

- Then the bar is returned to its original position

- After that the repetition is complete.



Bodybuilding / Fitness

- The depth of the squat is  to the parallel of the hips with the floor


- The depth of the squat is below the parallel of the hips with the floor



For maximum safe performance of the exercise, the elbows must always be kept parallel to the floor (do not lower them) to keep the back straight and correctly distribute the weight of the body at the entire foot during the entire amplitude of the exercise.


It is not recommended for complicated forms or exacerbation of the lumbar spine.