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Rookie Rumble at Bucktown CrossFit

Сполучені-Штати Chicago
Початок: 20 April 2019 04:30
Завершення: 20 April 2019
2338 N Seeley Ave





A competition JUST for Beginner & Intermediate Level athletes! The focus is on FUN and the workouts are simply designed (but not 'easy'!) and are at weights that are suitable for most non-Rx level athletes.


Сполучені-Штати, Chicago2338 N Seeley Ave

Клацніть тут, щоб переглянути карту маршруту

Інформація про захід

A competition JUST for Beginner & Intermediate Level athletes! The focus is on FUN and the workouts are simply designed (but not 'easy'!) and are at weights that are suitable for most non-Rx level athletes. AM I A BEGINNER? Beginners typically have been doing CrossFit for less than 1 year (although that's not always the case). They have not competed in ANY CrossFit competitions and never do workouts "as prescribed (Rx)". AM I INTERMEDIATE? Intermediate athletes have been doing CrossFit for at least 6 months and have competed 0-3 times in a non-Rx (Scaled) division. They typically do not do workouts "as prescribed (Rx)" in class. Look at the workouts and ASK YOUR COACH if you are Beginner or Intermediate, if you aren't sure! WOD 1: 6 minutes to find max power clean + hang power clean + shoulder to overhead WOD 2: 8 minutes to do: 20 burpees to a plate (45/25lb plate for all athletes) 15 power cleans 15 front squats (75/55 beginner, 95/65 intermediate) 10 push press 15 front squats 15 power cleans Max burpees to a plate in remaining time WOD 3: AMRAP in 7 minutes Up ladder by 3’s 3 box jump up and overs (beginners may step up) 3 KB swings (Beginner: 45/25, Intermediate: 55/35) 3 weighted sit ups (Beginner: 15/10 bumper plate, Intermediate: 25/15 bumper plate) 3,3,3...6,6,6…9,9,9….12/12/12…15/15/15 Video Standards & Tips WOD 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh2jOhXP1Jc Video Standards & Tips WOD 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUckNYdjHc8 Video Standards & Tips WOD 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8pivjwCrIY