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Power Output Challenge 8

Сполучені-Штати San Antonio
Початок: 07 September 2019 04:00
Завершення: 07 September 2019
200 Noblewood





Welcome to Power Output Challenge, the annual competition held at Wheatley Heights Sports Complex in San Antonio, Texas brought to you by Elite CrossFit. Our goal is to bring the best athletes to San Antonio to demonstrate their talents. We are proud to be a part of the this great community and hope to make this a fun, safe and entertaining event.


Сполучені-Штати, San Antonio200 Noblewood

Клацніть тут, щоб переглянути карту маршруту

Інформація про захід

Welcome to Power Output Challenge, the annual competition held at Wheatley Heights Sports Complex in San Antonio, Texas brought to you by Elite CrossFit. Our goal is to bring the best athletes to San Antonio to demonstrate their talents. We are proud to be a part of the this great community and hope to make this a fun, safe and entertaining event.