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Flex on the Beach 2019

Сполучені-Штати New York City
Початок: 14 September 2019 03:00
Завершення: 14 September 2019
long beach





Calling all beach bums and lift-o-holics! Flex on the Beach is coming back to Long Beach on September 14th for its 7th annual meeting! The competition will consist of co-ed teams of 4 (2M/2F) with Rx, Scaled, and introducing our new Masters division which is for athletes ages 35 and up. Athletes stay involved throughout the day with our rotating WOD stations and famous peer judging. So grab your swolemates and come on down to Flex on the Beach to show off your strength and athleticism!


Сполучені-Штати, New York Citylong beach

Клацніть тут, щоб переглянути карту маршруту

Інформація про захід

Calling all beach bums and lift-o-holics! Flex on the Beach is coming back to Long Beach on September 14th for its 7th annual meeting! The competition will consist of co-ed teams of 4 (2M/2F) with Rx, Scaled, and introducing our new Masters division which is for athletes ages 35 and up. Athletes stay involved throughout the day with our rotating WOD stations and famous peer judging. So grab your swolemates and come on down to Flex on the Beach to show off your strength and athleticism! Price Increase Opening to 07/14 $400/team + fees Price Increase 07/15 to 08/25 $450/team + fees Price Increase 08/26 to Close $500/team + fees Itinerary Coming Soon