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Best Crossfighter Beach Throwdown

Угорщина Szeged
Початок: 10 August 2019 04:00
Завершення: 11 August 2019





The Best Crossfighter Beach Throwdown is a two day competition which takes place at Szeged Sun City Wakeboard Beach on 16 hectares of land. Competitors can compare their skills and strength in several fields during the event.WOD includes swimming, cross-country race, gymnastics and weightlifting. The competition is evaluated according to the regulations of Crossfit. Sportsmen can register in the following categories: RX, Scaled and Masters, men and women competing in both of them separately. You can get information about the process of registration on our Facebook page. Cash prizes and gifts from sponsors are awarded.


Угорщина, SzegedHódmezővásárhely-Szeged

Клацніть тут, щоб переглянути карту маршруту

Інформація про захід

The Best Crossfighter Beach Throwdown is a two day competition which takes place at Szeged Sun City Wakeboard Beach on 16 hectares of land. Competitors can compare their skills and strength in several fields during the event.WOD includes swimming, cross-country race, gymnastics and weightlifting. The competition is evaluated according to the regulations of Crossfit. Sportsmen can register in the following categories: RX, Scaled and Masters, men and women competing in both of them separately. You can get information about the process of registration on our Facebook page. Cash prizes and gifts from sponsors are awarded.