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Backstreet Brawl 3

Сполучені-Штати West Bend
Початок: 18 May 2019 04:00
Завершення: 18 May 2019
4345 Hwy 33, West Bend, Wisconsin 53095





The Backstreet Brawl is back for our 3rd year and this year we are doing teams of 3! Teams are coed and must have at least one male and one female and a third participant. There will be 3 different divisions to chose from and they are Scaled, RX, and Masters. The Masters category must have a combined age of at least 105. We will be posting standards soon, but mark your calendars


Сполучені-Штати, West Bend4345 Hwy 33, West Bend, Wisconsin 53095

Клацніть тут, щоб переглянути карту маршруту

Інформація про захід

The Backstreet Brawl is back for our 3rd year and this year we are doing teams of 3! Teams are coed and must have at least one male and one female and a third participant. There will be 3 different divisions to chose from and they are Scaled, RX, and Masters. The Masters category must have a combined age of at least 105. We will be posting standards soon, but mark your calendars