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2019 Garage Gym Throwdown

Сполучені-Штати Austin
Початок: 15 June 2019 04:00
Завершення: 15 June 2019
410 Pressler Street





This is a team event you don’t want to miss. Spend one morning this summer, getting sweaty, challenging yourself and your teammates, and having some FUN! This event always sells out – don’t miss you chance to take on this AWESOME competition. The Garage Gym Throwdown is held at the LCRA parking garage where athletes descend and ascend each level of the garage and meet “challenges” on every level.


Сполучені-Штати, Austin410 Pressler Street

Клацніть тут, щоб переглянути карту маршруту

Інформація про захід

This is a team event you don’t want to miss. Spend one morning this summer, getting sweaty, challenging yourself and your teammates, and having some FUN! This event always sells out – don’t miss you chance to take on this AWESOME competition. The Garage Gym Throwdown is held at the LCRA parking garage where athletes descend and ascend each level of the garage and meet “challenges” on every level. Teams of 4 (2 men, 2 women) *EARLY BIRD REG: $150 per team Opens May 8th at 12pm! The price will increase on May 29th. Divisions: RX Athletes will take on workouts as prescribed. Coach + Athletes This division is a great way for coaches to take on workouts with their athletes. Teams include one coach and three of their athletes. Scaled The scaled division is a fun way to take on a competition with friends and have some fun! Workouts are scaled appropriately.