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Performing workouts (WOD) in CrossFit.

Functional fitness (aka CrossFit)


    The main types of workouts are the following: Time based, Repetitions and Strength training.



    1) The principle of performing the exercises is quite unique. For example, during the WOD, the task is to perform the following:

    3 rounds for time of:

    25 toes-to-bar

    50 push-ups

    75 squats

    run 400 m

    What does the round in Crossfit mean? One round includes the following steps:

    25 times to do toes-to-bar, then, with no rest (or with the minimum possible rest),

    50 reps push-ups, then 75 reps – squats without weight, and finish the round with running 400 m.

    The first round is followed by the second, when the whole range of exercises is repeated. After the second – there is the third round.

    This brings up the question – “Is that possible for me to implement?!” The answer is – you do not have to do all the repetitions for each exercise during one set. As fatigue accumulated, the repetitions are divided into sets, for example, in the first round you do push-ups 37 reps, then 10-20 seconds rest (according to your physical condition), and complete the remaining 13 reps, then immediately proceed to the next exercise.

    In the second round, this exercise has already been divided into three sets. In the third, for example, you can also perform it in two sets, or five (this may vary). This principle is used for each exercise of this workout.

    The main task is to perform the specified amount of work in minimum time duration. And do not forget to turn on the stopwatch timer, and then also record the workout in the training journal to track the improvement of physical conditioning.

    Then after some time (maybe in three or eight months) the training will be repeated and you will have something to compare with.

    2) The second version of the "For Time" workouts, where the number of repetitions of exercises is performed in the scheme. The most popular example is WOD Fran with a 21-15-9 scheme.


    Thrusters 95/65-lb (43/29-kg)


    The set of numbers 21-15-9 tells us that there will be 3 rounds: in the first round we do ALL exercises of the task – 21 reps each, in the second round – ALL exercises, 15 reps each, and in the last, third round – 9 reps.

    You may also record this training the following way:

    21 Thrusters 95/65-lb (43/29-kg)

    21 Pull-ups

    15 Thrusters 95/65-lb (43/29-kg)

    15 Pull-ups

    9 Thrusters 95/65-lb (43/29-kg)

    9 Pull-ups

    But the first option is much shorter and clearer.


    3) Another example of the time based training (but without the rounds and schemes).

    This type WOD is called Chipper – time based workouts without rounds, which require you to perform all exercises of the task from the beginning to the end.

    Performing: WOD " Murph"

    For time:

    1 mile run

    100 pull-ups

    200 push-ups

    300 squats

    1 mile run

    The task is to perform the fixed number of repetitions in the shortest time duration. Once you have finished performing one exercise, move on to the second one. The number of repetitions is divided into the required number of sets.



    There are often training options, where you need to perform a certain amount of work during fixed time. AMRAP: As Many Reps (sometimes Rounds) as Possible

    For example – the standard Crossfit workout  “Cindy”.

    Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

    5 pull-ups

    10 push-ups

    15 squats

    And after 20 minutes, you have got 9 rounds, means that all this time you “were chasing around” these exercises and in the end got 9 rounds.




    There are also just strength training days, where you work on overcoming heavy weights and developing maximum strength.

    Usually one exercise is picked out from the weightlifting arsenal. For example, after a special warm-up (a special warm-up is a warm-up in that particular exercise, which you will perform in training), do the following:  push jerk 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 (reps).


    In each set, you should try to raise the weight up to the one close to your record, or even exceed it. But the set is counted when an attempt to raise the weight of a required number of repetitions is succeeded. If the attempt in one of the sets failed, the weight should be reduced and the exercise repeated. And the same for each of the ten sets. Let’s assume your result is the following: 1st set 65 kg, 2-67 kg, 3-67 kg, 4-70 kg, 5-71 kg, 6-71.5 kg, 7-70 kg, 8-72 kg, 9 -73 kg, 10-73 kg. That's it, the training is over.