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Planification d'entraînement (programmation) Kostenko Lyuba

This workout program is by default, has a calendar view. But no updates have been made in this program for more than 3 days, so the workouts are displayed in the form of a list.
Faire des exercices Date
WOD-4065954 (W)
For strength: 15 Dumbbell squats 8-lb
April 2, 2020
WOD-3132588 (M)
For time: 3000 mètres de Course
April 1, 2020
WOD-3243263 (W)
For strength: 30 Dumbbell Box Step-ups 12-lb
April 1, 2020
WOD-1614885 (W)
For strength: 15 Renegade rows 12-lb
April 1, 2020
WOD-4867073 (G)
For strength: 15 Body rows
April 1, 2020


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