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SYR CrossFit

Affiliate Crossfit


Most 16-year-olds want a car, but Rob Eschbach asked for a gym membership instead. He followed that passion for fitness through college and into his career before returning to Allentown, opening his own gym in 2014. Soon after, SYR CrossFit was born. Now, we’re all about making new friends across Lehigh Valley and working together as a community to better ourselves. From our First 13 Barbell Club to personal training, everyone can find a path that feels right for them. It doesn’t matter what your current fitness level or experience is -- we’ll help guide you along your journey to greatness.


États-Unis, Allentown 

7562 Penn Dr, Ste 160

Informations sur la salle de sport:

At SYR we love to get together to feel the adrenaline rush of a high-intensity workout, the camaraderie that comes with enduring the suck together, and the high that follows. Our philosophy is based on the concept that SYR is and should always be your gym.

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