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Stiff-Legged Deadlift

Peso muerto
Nivel: Average


How to do Stiff Leg Deadlift:


- Stand facing the barbell with your feet around shoulder width apart.

- Bend down with your knees and grasp the barbell using an overhand grip (palms facing down) with your hands around shoulder width apart or wider.

- Keeping your back straight stand straight up resting the barbell on your thighs.

- Get set up for the movement by pulling your shoulders back, sticking your chest out, and arching your back slightly.

- Keeping your eyes facing forwards, slowly bend at the hips lowering the barbell straight down close to your body.

- You should feel the stretch in your hamstrings!

- Lower the bar down as far as your hamstrings will let you comfortably.

- Now engage the hamstrings and begin to raise the bar straight back up.

- Your eyes should be facing up and your shoulders back. This will prevent your lower back from rounding.

- Squeeze up through the glutes and hamstrings until you're standing straight up.

- Repeat for desired reps.