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Fondos en las anillas

Nivel: Average

Dips is one of the best basic bodyweight exercises for developing muscles of chest, shoulders and triceps. It is great both for beginners and experienced athletes.

If you can do 20 dips or more, you can increase complexity by using additional weights.

A fundamental gym rings exercise and popular bodyweight movement - rings dips develop excellent triceps and shoulder flexibility.

Anillas de Gimnasia


A fundamental gym rings exercise and popular bodyweight movement - rings dips develop excellent triceps and shoulder flexibility.


How to do Ring Dips:


- Adjust the height of the rings so that your feet will not touch the ground between repetitions.

- Mount the rings and assume the support position. You should be above the rings, arms straight, supporting your body weight.

- Lower your body down by bending at the elbows and keeping shoulders close to your sides.

- Keep the movement steady and controlled.

- If possible, continue down until your shoulders almost touch your hands for a full range of motion.

- Press your body back to the original starting position.


Some tips:


- Leg position can be bent, crossed or straight during the exercise.

- To ensure the triceps are targeted ensure your body is straight up and down.

- Leaning over will bring the chest muscles into the exercise.