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Hang Power Clean

Nivel: Average

Some differences "clean" to "power clean"

A clean brings a barbell from the floor to the lifter’s shoulders. The power qualifier describes the height at which the bar is received and arrested: with the upper legs above horizontal. That is, in a clean, the athlete receives the barbell on the shoulders at some height between standing and squatting, continues into the bottom of a squat position, and finishes the lift by standing again. In a power clean, the athlete pulls the barbell identically, but must receive it on the shoulders and stop moving downward before sinking past a parallel squat. In other words, the power clean means the athlete must pull the bar higher, get under it quicker, and stop moving immediately.

Barras, Discos


Initial position:       

- Stand with your mid-foot under the bar. Put your heels hip-width apart. The barbell is on the floor, its bar passes through the center of the foot, being as close to the shins as possible.

 - Lower your hips with the weight focused on the heels, back straight, head facing forward, chest up, with your shoulders just in front of the bar.  

- The width of the grip is defined as follows: grip the bar in that way, which allows the distance from the thigh to the palm be the length of the thumb in the vertical position.

- Take an overhand (or hook) grip.

- Pull the weight off the floor to knees level

Performing the exercise:      

- Move the weight with control as you continue to above the knees.

- As the bar approaches the mid-thigh position, begin extending through the hips. It is necessary to perform a powerful leap, giving the barbell maximum acceleration.

- In a jumping motion, accelerate by extending the hips, knees, and ankles, using speed to move the bar upward. Go out on your toes, put your shoulders up and turn your hands on. The pelvis at the same time moves forward, and the upper part of the trunk moves backward.

- As full extension is achieved, transition into aggressively shrugging and flexing the arms with the elbows up and out. At peak extension, aggressively pull yourself down, rotating your elbows under the bar. Receive the bar in a front squat position.

- The elbows should be brought forward, and the bar should be taken in the palm of your hand.

- Do not overstay at the lowest point, keep the torso upright and elbows up. Continue until you have risen to a standing position.

- The bar should be racked onto the protracted shoulders, lightly touching the throat with the hands relaxed.


- With caution, perform with trauma or destructive changes in the spine and knee joints.