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Double whip smash(battling ropes)

Nivel: Average

Double Whip Smash Battling Ropes is an exercise that develops speed and strength of your body. Also, when performing an exercise with a high intensity, its energy efficiency and effectiveness harshly increase, as a result this exercise perfectly suits as a fat burning workout.

Cuerda para batir


The technique of performing the exercise:

Double Whip Smash Battling Ropes is an exercise that develops speed and strength of your body. Also, when performing an exercise with a high intensity, its energy efficiency and effectiveness harshly increase, as a result this exercise perfectly suits as a fat burning workout.

 Initial position:      

- Legs hips width or slightly wider to stabilize, knees are slightly bent.

- - Take the ends of the rope in each hand. The palms of your hands should be facing each other.

- Slightly bend your knees, strain your abs and waist.

 Performing the exercise:     

- Raise your hands with the rope up and hit the rope on the floor as hard as you can.

- Return into starting position and repeat.


- Keep your abs tight for effective and safe performance of the exercise.