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Axle Deadlift

Soulevé de terre
Niveau: Average

The difference between deadlift with regular bar and with Apollon Axle bar  is in diameter of the bar. The diameter of the regular bar is 28mm, and the diameter of the Apollon Axle bar is 48mm. The grip load increases sharply. As a result, more muscle is included in the work. The muscles of the forearm are especially loaded in comparison with the classical version. Due to this, the complexity of the exercise significantly increases.

Barre à disques


The technique of performing Axle Bar Deadlift:

 The difference between deadlift with regular bar and with Apollon Axle bar  is in diameter of the bar. The diameter of the regular bar is 28mm, and the diameter of the Apollon Axle bar is 48mm. The grip load increases sharply. As a result, more muscle is included in the work. The muscles of the forearm are especially loaded in comparison with the classical version. Due to this, the complexity of the exercise significantly increases.

 Initial position:

 - Stand in front of the bar (close to the bar), put your heels hip-width apart

- Bow and grab the bar with a straight grip as tight as possible.

- Bend your knees for a little, straighten your back by raising you chest, chin parallel to the floor, look forward.


Performing the exercise:  

- Begin to pull with simultaneous extension of the back.

 - During the ascent you need to keep the bar in contact with your legs while you pull.

- Don’t shrug or lean back at the top. Lock your hips and knees.

- Return the weight to the floor by unlocking your hips and knees first. Then lower the bar by moving your hips back while keeping your legs almost straight. Once the bar is past your knees, bend your legs more. The bar will land over your mid-foot, ready for your next rep.

- During the entire movement, the body weight should be on the heels.


Common mistakes:

- Bodyweight is on toes.

- Your lower back shouldn’t round when you Deadlift.

- But it also shouldn’t have any excess arch (aka hyper-lordosis)

- Non-synchronous work of the muscles of the legs and back.



It is not recommended for complicated forms or exacerbation of the lumbar spine.