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5.0 / 10
5 rounds for time of:
Czas 05m:25s

Wyjaśnienie dotyczące szkolenia

WOD Lynne, as written, is a couplet of body weight bench presses and pull-ups. Five rounds for max reps, of body weight bench presses and pull-ups. Unlike other crossfit wods, WOD Lynne is not for time. These benchmarks are used as tests and measurements to see how far you’ve progressed since the last time you performed them. If you're improving at the benchmarks, you’re getting fitter and developing athletically. So use “Lynne” as a measure of fitness and as a benchmark that can be monitored over time to record an increase in strength, power and muscular endurance.


5 rounds for max reps. There is no time component to this workout, although some versions Rx the movements as a couplet.