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Crossfit Games Open 18.1

8.0 / 10
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Dauer: 20m:00s


Men use 50-lb. dumbbell

Women row 12-cal


In the toes-to-bar, the athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must come into contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands.

After the dumbbell is lifted off the floor, the athlete must pause with the dumbbell at the hang position, either at his or her side or between the legs. From there, the athlete may perform a muscle clean, power clean, squat clean or split clean, so long as the dumbbell comes up and makes contact with the shoulder before being lifted overhead.

The monitor on the rower must be set to zero at the beginning of each row. The athlete or the judge may reset the monitor. The athlete must stay seated on the rower until the monitor reads 14 / 12 calories.