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10.0 / 10


This workout begins with the barbell and dumbbell on the floor, and the athlete standing tall with a jump rope in hand. After the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will have 14 minutes to complete 2 rounds of 100 double-unders, 20 overhead squats, 100 doubleunders, 12 ring muscle-ups, 100 double-unders, 20 dumbbell snatches, 100 double-unders and 12 bar muscle-ups. This workout is over when the athlete completes all the required work prior to 14 minutes or the 14-minute time cap expires. The athlete’s score is the time it takes to complete the workout or the number of repetitions completed up to the cutoff time.

Angaben über das Training CROSSFIT WOD CF-180309