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CrossFit Lando

Affiliate Crossfit


Joining the Lando Community for CrossFit, BootCamp, or Weightlifting is easy with 2 pricing options. After your free intro class you are ready to start your fitness journey at Lando Charlestown or Lando Woburn, serving the Charlestown, Somerville, Boston, Medford, Woburn, Winchester, Reading, and surrounding areas!


Vereinigte-Staaten, Boston 

10 Micro Drive Woburn

Information über das Fitnessstudio:

Joining the Lando Community for CrossFit, BootCamp, or Weightlifting is easy with 2 pricing options. After your free intro class you are ready to start your fitness journey at Lando Charlestown or Lando Woburn, serving the Charlestown, Somerville, Boston, Medford, Woburn, Winchester, Reading, and surrounding areas! 1) MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP : Month to month based on how many classes you want to attend per week. FIRST MONTH TRIAL membership at a discounted price. Pricing options and conditions listed below. 2) CLASS PACKS : Pay for the classes you use, from 5-30 class packs. Great for frequent travelers that want the benefits of regular membership and using of our facilities. Pricing options and conditions listed below.

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