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Muscle Snatch

Livello: Average
Barbell, Barbell plate


How to do Muscle Snatch:


- Start with the bar on the floor in the snatch starting position, making sure your elbows are oriented to the sides (arms internally rotated).

- Lift the bar as you would for a snatch until reaching the top of the upward extension of the body. At this point, rather than repositioning your feet and pulling yourself into a squat under the barbell as you would in the snatch, keep the knees straight and the body extended and pull the elbows up as high as possible, keeping the bar in immediate proximity to the body.

- The elbows should move out to the sides as they move up (if the arms are properly internally rotated during the lift).

- Once the elbows reach maximal height, turn the arms over to bring the bar the rest of the way up and back into the proper overhead position, punching straight up against the bar and finishing in a tight, aggressive overhead position.

- The legs must remain straight once extended in the pull.

- Maintain constant tension against the bar throughout the movement, and make sure the bar is moving continuously—there should be no pausing or hesitation during the lift.