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Burpee Pull-Up

Burpees, Klimmzüge
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Einfach

Burpee Pull-Up consists of two exercises which involve opposite muscles. This allows you to work out the maximum number of muscles in one workout. You need to master the technique of these two exercises separately to perform burpee pull-up properly.

Pull-up bar, Racks


The technique of performing the exercise:

Burpee Pull-Up consists of two exercises which involve opposite muscles. This allows you to work out the maximum number of muscles in one workout. You need to master the technique of these two exercises separately to perform burpee pull-up properly.

Initial position:     

- The body is standing upright; the legs are shoulder-width apart.

Performing the exercise:     

- Bend over or squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you, just outside of your feet.

- Jump both feet back and take a plank position.

- Touch the floor by your chest.

- Push up to return to plank position.

- Jump the feet back in toward the hands.

- Jump on the rings.

- Pull yourself to the bar using kipping

 - Jump off  into starting position and repeat the exercise.