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Burpee Muscle-Up

Burpees, Muscle-up
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Technisch kompliziert

Ring Muscle-Up by itself is an exercise not for beginners. Athletes who are capable to do Ring Muscle-Up demonstrate excellent power, speed and coordination of their body. If you add burpee to the Ring Muscle-Up, you will get a strong complex that will work your whole body without neglecting any muscle group. 

Gymnastic rings


The technique of performing the exercise:

Ring Muscle-Up by itself is an exercise not for beginners. Athletes who are capable to do Ring Muscle-Up demonstrate excellent power, speed and coordination of their body. If you add burpee to the Ring Muscle-Up, you will get a strong complex that will work your whole body without neglecting any muscle group. 

 Initial position:    

- The body is standing upright; the legs are shoulder-width apart.

Performing the exercise:     

- Bend over or squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you, just outside of your feet.

- Jump both feet back and take a plank position.

- Touch the floor by your chest.

- Push up to return to plank position.

- Jump the feet back in toward the hands.

- Jump on the rings.

- Pull yourself to the rings using kipping and make a transition.

- Make a full lockout in elbow joints (ring dip).

- Return into starting position.


- After jumping off the rings you can immediately assume the squat position  to save energy while performing.