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Burpee Bar Muscle-up

Burpees, Muscle-up
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Technisch kompliziert
Pull-up bar


How to do burpee bar muscle-up:


- Stand straight, feet at shoulder width.

- Go down to a squat position very quickly.

- As soon as you reach the squat position, quickly thrust out your legs and bring your arms down so you’re in a push-up / press-up position.

- (Optional) Do a push-up/ press-up.

- Quickly bring your legs back in and get back into the squat position.

- Jump as high as you can and grip for the horisontal bar

- Explosion under the bar.This is the part where you explode into the pull-up, and is the most complex part of the muscle-up to master.

To do the pull-up you want to bring your knees up to your stomach, and then instantly pull-up and kick out at the same time to get the upwards momentum. By bringing your knees up to your stomach, you are moving them to the place they want to be at the end of the pull-up movement, therefore the pull-up is only focusing on getting your upper body above the bar. The kick part should also help the explosive part of your pull-up, just remember to keep your feet together. - then push, the final part is the equivalent of the push part of a dip. When you feel your weight is over the bar, lean your weight on the bar and bring your elbows up and behind you, then push up until you have straight arms. - repeat