Bar-Facing Burpee includes the usual burpee with the addition of a jump over the bar. This significantly complicates the exercise if it is necessary to perform lots of repetitions.
The technique of performing the exercise: Bar-Facing Burpee includes the usual burpee with the addition of a jump over the bar. This significantly complicates the exercise if it is necessary to perform lots of repetitions. Initial position: - The body is standing upright; the legs are shoulder-width apart. Performing the exercise: - Bend over or squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you, just outside of your feet. - Jump both feet back and take a plank position. - Touch the floor by your chest. - Push up to return to plank position. - Jump the feet back in toward the hands. - Jump over the bar. - Return into starting position on the other side of barbell. Features: - You can also jump sideways over the bar. - Full body straightening at the top point is not required unlike regular burpee. Contraindications: In case of diseases or injuries of the lumbar spine perform with care.