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Battling ropes

Złożoność: Prosty

Battle ropes offer full body strength training as well as cardio. It  involves a large number of muscles. This exercise is easy to do, so it is good for both beginners and professionals.

Battle rope


The technique of performing the exercise:

Battle ropes offer full body strength training as well as cardio. It  involves a large number of muscles. This exercise is easy to do, so it is good for both beginners and professionals.

 Initial position:  

- Legs hips width or slightly wider to stabilize, knees are slightly bent.

- Take the ends of the rope in each hand.

 Performing the exercise:  

- Raise any hand to shoulder level, and then quickly back down making a wave, simultaneously raising the other hand to shoulder level.

- Alternate your hands as quickly as possible.


- Keep your abs tight.