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Warrior Affiliate League - Barbellas 2019

Vereinigte-Staaten Orange
Anfang: 13 July 2019 04:00
Ende: 13 July 2019
1004, 612 N Eckhoff St
der Wettkampf
Functional fitness (aka CrossFit)





" BARBELLAS " All women team functional fitness/CF competition. When: Saturday, July 13th. 8AM-2PM Where: Inversion West, Anaheim CA BARBELLAS is a 3-person women only, or 2-person Masters 40+ women only, functional fitness team competition for athletes of all skill levels.


Vereinigte-Staaten, Orange1004, 612 N Eckhoff St

Click here for route map

Veranstaltungs Information

" BARBELLAS " All women team functional fitness/CF competition. When: Saturday, July 13th. 8AM-2PM Where: Inversion West, Anaheim CA BARBELLAS is a 3-person women only, or 2-person Masters 40+ women only, functional fitness team competition for athletes of all skill levels. We are excited to present our 2nd annual, LADIES ONLY, team competition event to the WAL series, in celebration of female strength and unity. This is a great first event if you are new to CF or competing for the first time. If you are veteran ter, this event is for YOU! You will be challenged, while at the same time have fun! Grab a friend or 2 and build your POWER TEAM! Don't miss out. Register early, this event will sell out fast. Entry fee covers: Team entry fee includes, 4+ separate scored events, sponsor goodies at check-in, access to a huge vendor village, and an opportunity to prove your fitness in front of family, friends, in the loudest and most encouraging crowd of Orange County with massive prize packs for podium teams! Each team who registers before 6/20 will receive a Team Name Plate courtesy of SignsRx and exclusive Barbellas event tank. Price Fee Schedule: (+ processing fees)* All Divisions - ADV/ INT/ FUN (3-person teams)* Now until JUNE 27: $235/team of 3-person* JUNE 28 until SOLD OUT: $270/ teams of 3 MASTERS 40+ ONLY (2-person team) ADV/INT Now until JUNE 27: $175 per team of 2-persons* JUNE 28 until SOLD OUT: $200/ teams of 2* 4 DIVISIONS: One person on your team must be able to perform the following movements: Advanced/RX: Able to perform all loads/ movements without modification: Chest to bar pull ups, Bar Muscle Ups, Toes to bar, Rope Climb, handstand walk/ HS push ups, double-unders, Clean & Jerks 145#. Snatch 115#. Thruster 105#. Deadlift 205#. Intermediate (3-person)/ Masters 40+ (2-person): Need to sometimes modify load/movements: Chin-Over bar pull ups, Toes to bar, Rope climb or rope climb progressions, double-unders, Clean & Jerks 105#. Snatch 85#. Thruster 75#. Deadlift 175#. FUN: Beginner/ New to CF: Needs to modifty loads/movements: Chin-over bar jumping pull ups, Hanging Knee Ups, Rope climb progressions, single-unders, Clean & Jerks 75#. Snatch 55#. Thruster 65#. Deadlift 135#. TO REGISTER: One person registers and pays for the team (team captain). Have team members' names, emails, shirt sizes, birthdates, etc. available when registering. Don't know which division to sign up for? No problem. Changes can be made online any time prior to July 1st. Questions? Email info@warrioraffiliateleague.com Events to be released at the latest, 30-days prior to event. For event description and movement standards, visit: www.WarriorAffiliateLeague.com THERE ARE NO REFUNDS OR TRANSFERS TO FUTURE EVENTS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Athlete substitution up until the day of event by having your substitute athlete sign your team waiver on event day.