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Masters League ASIA - PHILIPPINES Throwdown

Philippinen Quezon
Anfang: 29 February 2020 01:00
Ende: 29 February 2020
Registration Deadline: 29 February 2020 01:00
Complete Fitness Katipunan #10 Esteban Abada St, Quezon City
der Wettkampf
Functional fitness (aka CrossFit)






Philippinen, QuezonComplete Fitness Katipunan #10 Esteban Abada St, Quezon City

Click here for route map

Veranstaltungs Information

A MASTERS LEAGUE ASIA SANCTION EVENT This is the first time MASTERS LEAGUE ASIA will be hosting an event in the PHILIPPINES, in collaboration with CROSSFIT KATIPUNAN The MASTERS LEAGUE prides itself on providing a fun and fair playing field, encouraging good sportmanship, camaraderie and of course, building a thriving and supportive community - and now we are reaching out to masters all over ASIA with events like this one. THE PHILIPPINES THROWDOWN gives MASTERS athletes a chance to flex their strength and poweress, competing against each other to determine the fittest of them all. This event will cater for athletes of various age groups and experiences. Athletes must at least be 35 yy (by 31 May 2020) in order to register. Scale & Rx , Individual - MALE & FEMALE - 35-42 ; 43-49 & 50+ We are looking forward to host a crowd of masters and especially excited to see more 35+ masters athletes to compete. This is a MASTERS LEAGUE sanction event which means athletes will stand a chance to gain a spot to be a member of TEAM ASIA to compete in the MASTERS LEAGUE GAMES in MELBOURNE in MAY 2020. If your an athlete aspiring to make it into TEAM ASIA 2020, this is your next ( and last ) chance to earn a spot. The ML GAMES have different division settings and you can decide which division and age group you would like to represent - click here to know more. REGISTER now and come play with us. OTHER PAYMENT OPTIONS BELOW: If you would like to receive the EARLY BIRD PRICE via belows payment options, Please email Jason: jason@cfortigas.com OR asia@mastersleague.com.au EARLY BIRD PRICE PAYMENT OPTIONS FROM 13TH DECEMBER - 31ST DECEMBER 2019: BANK TRANSFER: $55USD (2,900 PESO) PAYPAL: $50USD (2,600 PESO) REGULAR PAYMENTS FROM 1ST JANUARY - 31ST JANUARY 2020: BANK TRANSFER: $60USD (3,200 PESO) PAYPAL: $55USD (2,900 PESO)